Emulation Memory Board for M16C/60 Series Compact Emulator
User's Manual
Keep safety first in your circuit designs!
z Renesas Technology Corporation and Renesas Solutions Corporation put the maximum effort into making semiconductor products
better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to
personal injury, fire or property damage. Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with
appropriate measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of nonflammable material or (iii) prevention
against any malfunction or mishap.
Notes regarding these materials
z These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Renesas Technology product best suited
to the customer's application; they do not convey any license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to
Renesas Technology Corporation, Renesas Solutions Corporation or a third party.
z Renesas Technology Corporation and Renesas Solutions Corporation assume no responsibility for any damage, or infringement of
any third-party's rights, originating in the use of any product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, or circuit application
examples contained in these materials.
z All information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs and algorithms represents information
on products at the time of publication of these materials, and are subject to change by Renesas Technology Corporation and
Renesas Solutions Corporation without notice due to product improvements or other reasons. It is therefore recommended that
customers contact Renesas Technology Corporation, Renesas Solutions Corporation or an authorized Renesas Technology product
distributor for the latest product information before purchasing a product listed herein. The information described here may contain
technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Renesas Technology Corporation and Renesas Solutions Corporation assume no
responsibility for any damage, liability, or other loss rising from these inaccuracies or errors. Please also pay attention to information
published by Renesas Technology Corporation and Renesas Solutions Corporation by various means, including the Renesas home
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z When using any or all of the information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs, and
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damage, liability or other loss resulting from the information contained herein.
z Renesas Technology semiconductors are not designed or manufactured for use in a device or system that is used under
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z Please contact Renesas Technology Corporation or Renesas Solutions Corporation for further details on these materials or the
products contained therein.
Precautions to be taken when using this product
z This product is a development supporting unit for use in your program development and evaluation stages. In mass-producing your
program you have finished developing, be sure to make a judgment on your own risk that it can be put to practical use by performing
integration test, evaluation, or some experiment else.
z In no event shall Renesas Solutions Corporation be liable for any consequence arising from the use of this product.
z Renesas Solutions Corporation strives to renovate or provide a workaround for product malfunction at some charge or without charge.
However, this does not necessarily mean that Renesas Solutions Corporation guarantees the renovation or the provision under any
z This product has been developed by assuming its use for program development and evaluation in laboratories. Therefore, it does not
fall under the application of Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law and protection against electromagnetic interference when
used in Japan.
WARNING indicates a potentially dangerous situation that will cause
death or heavy wound unless it is avoided.
CAUTION indicates a potentially dangerous situation that will cause
a slight injury or a medium-degree injury unless it is avoided.
This is used in operation procedures or explanatory descriptions to
convey exceptional conditions or cautions to the user.
Sep. 16, 2005
4. Usage (Emulator Debugger)
The required operating environmental is described below.
- Integrated development environment:
- Emulator debugger:
High-performance Embedded Workshop
M16C R8C Compact emulator debugger Ver.1.01 Release 00 or later
Set the emulation memory in the MCU setting dialog box of the emulator debugger.
(1) MCU tab
Specifying the processor mode
Select the appropriate processor mode that suits
your system.
Specifying the bus width
When specifying memory expansion mode or
microprocessor mode, select “16-bit” or “8-bit”
for “External Data Bus Width”.
Using or not using the memory space
expansion function
Specifies whether or not to use the memory
space expansion function when selecting
memory expansion mode or microprocessor
mode. When using the memory space expansion
function, select “4MB Mode”. When not, select
“Normal Mode”
Using or not using the internal
reserved area expansion
Specifies whether or not to expand the internal
reserved area. Check the box if the internal
reserved area expansion bit (PM13) is “1”.
PM13=Set to 0:
Internal RAM area: 00400h--03FFFh
Internal ROM area: D0000h--FFFFFh
PM13=Set to 1:
Internal RAM area: 00400h--07FFFh
Internal ROM area: 80000h--FFFFFh
Specifying the PM10 (bit 0 of the
address 0005h)
When using the CS2 Area Switch Bit (PM10) as
“1”, check this box. Specify the processor mode
according to the user system.
Notes on Selecting a Processor Mode:
z When setting memory expansion mode, the level of pin CNVSS of the MCU status should be "L". The MCU status
shows the pin level of the user system.
z When setting microprocessor mode, the level of pin CNVSS of the MCU status should be "H".
z When setting memory expansion mode or microprocessor mode, pins RDY* and HOLD* of the user system should
be "H".
(2) MAP tab
Specifying the emulation memory
Sets the memory area assigned to the emulation
memory by 4KB. Up to four areas can be set.
An area set to [INTERNAL] will be allocated to
the emulation memory. An unchecked area or an
unset area will be allocated to external area.
The MAP setting is effective only in the CS3*,
CS2*, CS1* and CS0*. The maps of SFR,
internal ROM and RAM are set automatically.
* MAP tab is displayed only when connecting the emulation memory board.
5. Specifications of the Emulation Memory Board
Applicable compact emulator
Applicable MCU mode
Memory expansion mode (NORMAL, 4MB)
Microprocessor mode (NORMAL, 4MB)
2.7 -- 5.5 V
Applicable power supply
Maximum operating frequency
- Maximum operating frequency (at 5.0 V)
0 wait:
7 MHz
1 wait:
2 wait and 3 wait:
20 MHz
24 MHz
- Maximum operating frequency (at 3.0 V)
0 wait:
6 MHz
1 wait:
2 wait and 3 wait:
17 MHz
24 MHz
6. Precautions
Warnings to Be Taken for This Product:
z Do not disassemble or modify this product. Personal injury due to electric shock may occur if this product is
disassembled and modified. Disassembling and modifying the product will void your warranty.
Warning for Installation:
z Do not set this product in water or areas of high humidity. Make sure that the product does not get wet. Spilling
water or some other liquid into the product may cause unrepairable damage.
Warning for Use Environment:
z This equipment is to be used in an environment with a maximum ambient temperature of 35°C. Care should be taken
that this temperature is not exceeded.
Cautions to Be Taken for This Product:
z Use caution when handling this product. Be careful not to apply a mechanical shock.
z Do not touch the connector pins of this product directly. Static electricity may damage the internal circuits.
Caution to Be Taken for System Malfunctions:
z If the emulator malfunctions because of interference like external noise, do the following to remedy the trouble.
(1) Press the RESET button on the emulator upper panel.
(2) If normal operation is not restored after step (1), shut OFF the emulator once and then reactivate it.
7. Inquiries
For the technical question about this product, fill in the text file which is downloaded from the following page, then send the
information to your local distributor.
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